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Unexpected Safari

August 31, 20232 min read

Quick!  What are your top values?  I take a peek at my values list every January to identify my top values for the year ahead.  My picks this year were adventure, curiosity, kindness and joy.  Travel and exploration bring me loads of joy, I satisfy a desire for adventure by going to new places and really like to find out about different people and cultures.  So when a last minute, totally unexpected offer to go on safari came up last month, I said “heck yes!”  It was a remarkable trip with incredible animals, wonderful people, yummy food, a fabulous time with a dear friend and fascinating cultural differences. 

Here are a few of my lessons from the trip:

Some are obvious:

Baby lions are stupid cute.  No, you can’t snuggle him or take him home.

baby lion

Some are funny:

Getting to Africa requires 24 plus hours of planes, trains and automobiles and is a bit taxing.  However, if you can entertain yourself by making up stories about your fellow travelers, time passes more quickly and keeps you in good humor (next time you see me, ask me to tell you the tale of “Mr. Gold Chain,” it’s a good one).

Some are inspirational:

Watching big cats in their natural habitat was an incredible honor that is the result of organized, thoughtful and planned conservancy. The collaboration between the community, government and active foundations from all over the world was exceptional.  The result is access to animals and landscape that honors community, culture and history, while also offering an income source for the people. I’m certain it isn’t perfect, but it was certainly an inspiration and a model of complex collaboration that really touched me. 

big kitty

Some were cautionary:

Giraffes, it turns out, can get greedy and head butt you if they feel like it.

giraffes will headbutt

Cape Buffalo look all chill, but they are one of the most dangerous animals in the bush.  They have a habit of just hanging around and then becoming spontaneously pissed and charging without any warning.

cape buffalo

The most important lesson I am trying to keep forward in my mind was this:  Take opportunities when they present themselves. Don’t wait to say yes to your top values.  This doesn’t have to be as major as a trip to Africa, and probably is actually even better when your values are prioritized in little ways on a regular basis. Reply to this email and let me know your top values and how you spotlight them in your life. I’d love to hear from you!

PS:  If you are interested in safari, I totally encourage you to set up a trip with The Wild Source.  What a remarkable organization that puts together trips that are dedicated to conservation, community and an incredible, animal-focused travel experience.

Carrie Johansson

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